Monday, October 8, 2018

             The Order of Us

   We display this only to illustrate the orderly design of our nervous system.

   As the notes on a piano keyboard descend in order from right (high) to left (low), so nerve connections in the spine correspond in descending order to areas of the body.

   The seven vertebrae in the cervical spine serve everything in the head (including our brains), our vocal cords, neck glands, shoulders and elbows.

   Twelve vertebrae in the thoracic spine support arms, hands, fingers, esophagus, trachea, heart, coronary arteries, lungs, chest, gall bladder, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, small intestines and other parts of the area.

   Five vertebrae in the lumbar spine serve the large intestines, appendix, abdomen, upper legs, uterus, bladder, knees, prostrate, muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve, lower legs, ankles and feet.

   Below that, nerves in the sacrum connect with hip bones and buttocks, and nerves in the coccyx, with the rectum. Yes, those are a departure.

   From head to toe, there is an intelligent design. Meanwhile, discs between each vertebrae in this structure permit flexibility and mobility. How fortunate!

   Of course, the body being part of the material world, things can go wrong, and none of it lasts forever. A problem with 4C may affect your nose. 6T troubles will show up in your stomach, and 3L is important for your knees. Doctors know the effects of any misalignment and the source. Correcting/healing is another story. 

   We don't believe natural selection resulted in this complex but orderly design. 
Do you? The spine is only one of many body parts formed in the womb, one cell at a time.  


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