Thursday, October 25, 2018

     Excerpts from Higgins' 2017 memo, 1 of 3     
NSA Fired Him for This   

BACKGROUND: The Trump Administration endures withering information campaigns designed to undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove the president. 

   This political warfare targets a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. These campaigns ... execute agendas that reflect cultural Marxist outcomes.

   The hard left is aligned with Islamist organizations at local, national and international levels. They seamlessly interoperate at the narrative level. In candidate Trump, they see a threat to the "politically correct" enforcement narratives they've laid over the past few decades. 

   Political correctness is a weapon against reason and critical thinking. Trump's rhetoric in the (2016) campaign cut through the Marxist narrative in ways that were comprehensible to a voting bloc that made him president. 

   Trump is an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes. (Memes: defined as ideas, behavior, style or usage spread within a culture.) 

THE OPPOSITION: Some benefit from the meme, while others are captured by it: deep-state actors, globalists, bankers, Islamists and establishment Republicans. Globalists and Islamists require that America, as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed.

   Attacks on all levels of group and personal identity are directed at atomization of society. (Opponents) induce contradictions that reduce all thought, all faith, all loyalties to meaninglessness. 

   Group rights, based on sex or ethnicity, are a direct assault on the idea of individual human rights and natural law, around which the Constitution was framed. 

Tomorrow: Naming the opponents


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