Monday, October 29, 2018

Memo Helps Connect Dots          

   If the Higgins memo is truth - and we don't claim to have his expertise or access to his information - it explains some things we've seen and heard. 

   Consider one man, Barack Obama. Was he raised from childhood to deconstruct constitution and culture, or was he chosen later by stealth?

  • His college records and other details were hidden from public view.
  • He went on an American apology tour, first to Egypt.
  • He withdrew all troops from Iraq, exposing cities to ISIS and Iran.
  • He all but begged Iran to accept $ billions to delay nuclear plans.
  • He won the release of one American, an AWOL soldier, while setting free five key terrorists.
  • He allowed Russia to claim it safeguarded Syria's WMD (gasses).
  • He was caught on a hot mike, "colluding" with Putin's man.
  • When the Muslim Brotherhood won election in Egypt, they flew straight to the White House - no need to check in at Customs. 
  • He had six Muslims on staff in the White House. One wouldn't do? 
  • He seemed uninterested in Christian refugees. 
  • He told his daughters, they will be okay. Some of us will not be okay?
  • His people in high places broke numerous laws and codes. 
  • He dealt with major corporations and ignored small businesses.
  • His administration piled on regulations, stifling the economy, making jobs hard to find and start-ups hard to start up, even for black Americans.
  • He accounted for more national debt than all previous presidents combined.
  • He told ISIS they could have their caliphate, just not that one. ???
  • A 2005 photo: he & Louis Farrakhan Sr., friends(?) at Black Caucus meeting.
  • He supplied the (non defense) bureaucracies with military weapons. Why?
  • He wanted a national police force as powerful as the U.S. military. Did someone tell him, shhhhh! We'll get to that later? 
  • He gave to Raul Castro with nothing in return. Did he need a victory that badly?  

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