Saturday, October 6, 2018

Good News Saturday   
It's about time we share some good news.

   North and South Koreans are removing land mines buried in the DMZ since the 1950s. Time will tell.  

   First lady Melania Trump visited kids in African hospitals, bearing gifts.

   Researchers have discovered ways to help the human body fight cancer.

   As of this writing, God's good-news offer of eternal life, based on faith in Jesus' reconciliation, is still on the table.  

   Before today is over, we should know that Judge Brett Kavanaugh has the senate's (narrow) consent. Sen. Murkowski will vote "present." We consider this good news for democracy. But it was a close call. 
   If you heard Sen. Susan Collins on Friday, you heard a historic American speech. She explained the difference between precedent and overturning a prior decision. And she gave an intelligent defense of the "more perfect union" our founders had in mind, all without bias or aggression. 

   Democrats, the partisan media and organized screamers dragged Kavanaugh though the mud - throwing plenty of it - as they increasingly evolve to the left and its Saul Alinsky tactics. 

This isn't about senators, per se  
   We depend on the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Judge Kavanaugh has proven in court that he will help protect - not one group or tribe - but all of us from injustice...not necessarily the unborn, however. Precedent. 

   (When) Democrats, this new breed, regain the Congress and eventually the White House, leftists will begin to dismantle, or at least ignore, any rights they hate: freedom, religion, gun ownership, presumption of innocence, due process, etc.

   That's who they are. They have like-minded cousins all over the world. 


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