Saturday, October 27, 2018

    Excerpts from Higgins memo, 3 of 3    
Roots of Opposition     

   Cultural Marxism. (Look up - Gramsci Marxism, Fabian Socialism and Frankfurt School.) The latter most directly influences our American left, a strategy to deconstruct societies by imposing unresolvable contradictions. 

   The result is nihilism, a belief in everything, which is belief in nothing. The Frankfort School in the 1920s was both anti-capitalism and anti-Communist Party. 

   Adherents use diversity/multiculturalism narratives. In 1965, theorist Herbert Marcuse defined tolerance as intolerance. He proposed implementing ideas by undemocratic means, to defeat chauvinism (xenophobia), racism and discrimination ... and said that tolerance should be extended to the left while denied to the right. (Get it? Free speech and freedom of assembly should be denied to opponents of cultural Marxism. Unapproved speech automatically becomes "hate speech.") 

   Key international players include the European Union, the UN and the International Muslim Brotherhood, in coordination with the media. 

BATTLESPACE: Attack narratives operate within social media, television, 24-hour news cycles, upper levels of bureaucracies, and the foreign policy establishment. Narratives inform the entertainment industry, from late-night monologues to situation comedies to television series memes to movie themes. 

   Benefactors include Urban Real Estate (dependent on immigrant tenants), International Banking (beneficiary of U.S. debt), and elements of the business sector (immigrant labor). The overall objective is forced urbanization, requiring a larger, more powerful government.

   Certain business cartels in league with cultural Marxists/corporatists/Islamists leverage terrorism threats to justify creation of a police state. 

   Warfare directed at President Trump includes PUBLICITY - facts without context, PROPAGANDA - directing thoughts, conditioning recipients, moving people incrementally over time, and INFILTRATION/SUBVERSION - to gather intelligence, obstruct legitimate action, leak sensitive information to undermine leadership, and to suppress morale. 

   Pseudo-publicity offered as "news" sustains pseudo-realities. The backdrop is to create a general loathing of President Trump and the America that elected him. 

Monday: Our conclusions, applying Higgins' insights.

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