Tuesday, October 9, 2018

  The Collusion Illusion
Part 3

   We left off last week with the investigation of Paul Manafort by the special counsel. They put him in solitary confinement (is this America?), and won a guilty plea for activities more than a decade old. Justice done? 

   Robert Mueller's team admittedly did not uncover new evidence, but relied on an old DOJ investigation, in which no charges were brought. Whatever Manafort's guilt, the judge said that this case was clearly a ruse to get someone, anyone, to rat on the president.

   AG Jeff Sessions was not required to recuse himself from the Trump/Russia matter. He put Rosenstein in charge, a man with conflicts of interest - in particular his close relationship with both Comey and Mueller. Since Rosenstein was not legally in the right, Mueller has no legitimate authority to carry out his order(s). But, who cares what is right and lawful? Just win, baby!

   Mueller also has a conflict of interest, being a long-time mentor to and friend of Comey. The law prohibits someone with with a clear conflict of interest from serving this way. 

   Watergate, Iran-Contra and Whitewater all involved identified crimes. There is no authority in law to address a non-crime. 

The whole purpose of special council work
is to have a prosecutor from outside of government
and the normal chain of command.
Mueller is a close friend of the star witness.
Only in Washington.
- Byron York, Washington Examiner

   Here's a story from 2001: An anthrax attack killed five and infected 17. Drug-sniffing dogs were friendly to Steven Hatfill. Therefore, he must be guilty. Mueller said they had their man. Comey added, "absolutely certain."

   Hatfill sued the DOJ and FBI. The error cost taxpayers $5.28 billion (with a b.)



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