Friday, October 19, 2018

Perspectives, Part 4    
Peace at Last, No Matter What      

   King Zedekiah arrested the prophet Jeremiah, who was beaten, imprisoned and thrown in a dungeon. Jeremiah eventually was freed, only to be dropped into deep mud in a cistern. 

   The siege of Jerusalem resulted in starvation. Babylonians conquered Judah, taking 4,600 of the Jews to Babylon. Among them, Daniel, who excelled in service to King Darius, was thrown into a den of lions. 
~ ~ ~

   Centuries later: God himself came "in the likeness of man" to save the world, which had proven itself - and continues to be - unable to get its perspective right. Fulfilling scripture, He would lay down his life to satisfy his requirement of justice. Jesus was condemned by a mob organized by jealous religious leaders. 

   He - the sacrificial Lamb - was flogged, mocked, struck in the face, spit upon, nailed to a cross and crucified. 

   On the third morning He showed himself alive, to the astonishment of his closest followers and disciples. He had told them, and now they understood. 

   Peace be with you, He said. Receive the Holy Spirit. Follow me. 

   He, the Son, appeared to others, and some witnessed his ascension to the Father. Those who believe in, trust and obey him - even in suffering - have the Truth perspective, and peace in their hearts, no matter what. 

   While the Spirit provides power to obey and spread the "good news," Satan remains bound to his own perspective. Death and persecution continue, but escaping the "second death" is glory. 

   There are many accounts of victory in this life, including Joseph in ancient Egypt. Recently, we saw peace in Pastor Andrew Brunson, his perspective strengthened by two years in a Turkish prison, falsely accused, like Joseph. He knelt and prayed over the bowed head of the U.S. president. 


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