Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Shall the Brightest Rule?       

   The 2016 book, When Reason Goes on Holiday: Philosophers in Politics, has it right. Not only our bodies, but our brains are fallen and naturally sinful.

   So writes Marvin Olasky in the Books section of WORLD magazine. 

   Author Neven Sesardic, himself a philosopher, wrote about prominent philosophers who, "admired for their scholarly contributions, actually abandoned reason altogether once they turned to politics." 

   Examples include Jean-Paul Sartre, Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein who championed Communism. Martin Heidegger and Kurt Godel were cozy with Nazism. Michel Foucault cheered on Iran's Islamists. 

   Even Albert Einstein defended the murderous Josef Stalin at times, writes Olasky. He adds:

   "Sesardic asks how highly intelligent people could be so stupid and why 'it is precisely such very smart individuals who are especially prone to exhibit certain types of irrationality?'" 
~ ~ ~ 
It's a Question for Today
   We're working on a short series on political war in the U.S., and those in power or close to it who are cozy with our intelligent enemies. 

   This latest threat is scary. If you want a head start, look up Richard Higgins. There are several by that name. Find the Higgins who is a Catholic Bishop, former USAF chaplain, head of the Pentagon's Combating Terrorism & Technical Support Office, and finally, a member of the National Security team, from which he was fired by a misguided (?) NSA director. 

   Before you vote, consider what you are about to read. 


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