Thursday, October 18, 2018

Perspectives, Part 3     
Out of Slavery, Into Desert     

   God found Moses where he left him, and sent the humbled, old shepherd to lead "his people" out of Egypt for the Promised Land. God broke the hard-hearted Pharaoh with a series of plagues. The freed people with their animals set off toward the first of some 42 encampments, and an impassable body of water.

   Pharaoh's army pursued. Like habits, wrong perspectives are hard to break. 
   When the people found water, it was bitter. At the next desert, no food. 
At Rephidim, no water.

   They were attack by Amalekites. When they arrived at Mount Sinai (also called Horeb, where Moses had lived), God told him, I carried you on eagles' wings. Was Moses speechless?

   The Almighty re-introduced himself to the people with lightning, thunder, loud trumpet blasts, thick clouds, smoke and an earthquake..."acts of God." 

   Alas, despite much instruction, the former slaves never got their perspective right; they died in the desert. After 40 years, the next generation, presumably those born in the desert, would enter the Promised Land. 

   Even Moses, still in good health, was relieved of his duties. Joshua would lead them into Canaan. 

   God warned of strong inhabitants, large cities and high walls. But He would prepare the way and his people would drive out the nations, leaving no one to entice his people with false gods and ungodly customs. 

   Thirty one kings joined in the defense. The Israelites prevailed, but failed to cleanse the land of ungodliness. 

   Consider Job, a "blameless and righteous" man. God permitted Satan to destroy all his animals, servants, sons and daughters. A bad day? 

   King Saul threatened David's life. David's own son conspired against him. 

Conclusion tomorrow: True freedom at last


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