Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Collusion Illusion
Part 4

   "The first job of the Dept. of Justice is justice, not conviction. No violations of the law are enforced 100 percent." - Gregg Jarrett

   Prosecutors on the other hand have a zeal to win at all cost. Fairness is secondary.

   Law professors and the Wall Street Journal editorial board have called for Robert Mueller to recuse himself. He spent months hiding the truth about why the FBI's Strzok and Page were removed from his team. (Their bias ultimately was revealed.)

   How can Rod Rosenstein be an investigator, witness, prosecutor and judge all in the same case? He also approved the team of partisans working for Mueller. 

   Can we assume Mueller is impartial when he selected a staff of 13 Democratic loyalists and three independents? The most curious is Andrew Weissman, a pit-bull lawyer who has put companies and their employees out of business, only to have courts overturn his work. 

Andrew Weissman, truth is not with him.
No respect for rule of law,
simple decency, the facts.
- Sidney Powell, The Hill

   Democrats follow the script, pouncing on the Washington Post's word: Trump's victory: "...clearly collusion...reeks of collusion...could guarantee it...acts of collusion." James Clapper said he "confirmed collusion" through his contacts in the NSA, FBI and CIA. 

   Hillary Clinton charged Trump with "collusion." Collusion is not a crime, y'all.

Note: This series was not a plug for the president or Republicans. It was and is out of concern for our democracy, and respect for fairness and justice. We will all be losers if liars and those who play loose with the law continue to flourish.


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