Wednesday, October 3, 2018

   The Collusion Illusion   
Part 1 of 4

This four-part series, not on successive days, 
is based mainly on information already provided by news media 
and commentators. We think a summary is helpful, not only for voting 
but for praying for our country.

   When Mitt Romney ran for president, Sen. Harry Reid announced that Romney hadn't paid any taxes for 10 years. It was a lie. 

   After the election, an interviewer ask Reid to defend his accusation. He paused briefly, saying, "Well, call it what you want; he didn't get elected, did he?"

There is no such thing as justice, in law or outside of law. 
- Clarence Darrow

   Hillary Clinton has been traveling the world explaining her upset loss. Recently, she encouraged November voters to save democracy. Funny thing. She and her kind are most responsible for threatening democracy. 

   In fact, her behavior is the root of problems now dogging people named Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Orr,  Rosenstein and Mueller. Maybe they should delete her from their list of contacts.  

   Converting government records for personal use is a felony under 18 U.S.C. 641. She and her staff violated regulations re: emails, record keeping, destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice and foreign financial influence. President Obama himself used her unauthorized email system...the FBI knew about it...a possible reason the DOJ wanted the Clinton "matter" to disappear. 

   The swamp-friendly Washington Post gave her four Pinocchios one day, and three more another time. 

   In THE RUSSIA HOAX, Gregg Jarrett named at least 30 codes and regulations, by number, that she and/or her team violated.

Note: This is not a pro-Republican blog, just a summary of people in trusted positions bending the rules for their own purposes. If they escape consequences, others will follow in kind.  

Part 2, later this week: James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller

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