Friday, October 26, 2018

    Excerpts from Higgins memo, 2 of 3   

Opponents of the American Experiment   

MAINSTREAM MEDIA. The principal mechanism for implementing unAmerican narratives. 

THE ACADEMY: Academia is a key conduit for creating future adherents to cultural Marxist narratives. 

DEEP STATE: Cultural Marxism, a bureaucratic state beholden to no one. No rule of law outside those laws that further deep-state power...god bestriding earth. 

GLOBAL CORPORATISTS & BANKERS: Exploitation of populations, regardless of national protections, personal morality and piety.

DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP: A counter-state enabler that executes, sustains and protects cultural Marxist programs and facilitates the relentless expansion of the deep state. 

REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP: More afraid of (being called names) than of failing to enforce their oath to "support and defend the Constitution." Lacking discernment, they work with others "in the destruction of the American ideal."

ISLAMISTS: As far back as the 1980s, Islamists adopted post-modern narratives. They deploy them to blind and control U.S. decision makers. 
"By their own hands!" has been the Muslim Brotherhood strategy since 1991. 

   They seek to divide America against itself, imposing Islamist objectives on half of society by the other half. Once the population loses faith in the old order, and detest those who reduced it, America will divide along narrative lines. 

CULTURAL MARXISM: "Political Warfare" is understood by the Maoist Insurgency model. It is one of five components. Methodologies include violent and non-violent actions to mobilize groups. 

   Formation of a counter-state is essential to seizing power ... a hostile competing state within an existing state. (Note: the Resistance - formed in response to Trump's election.) The counter state mobilizes and/or exhausts and demobilizes its target through disinformation and narratives.  

Tomorrow: Cultural Marxism, and Battlespace

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