Monday, October 22, 2018

The Iran Dilemma    

   Forty years ago, Iran was our ally. It is a Persian culture, not Arab. It's main language is Farsi, not Arabic. 

   The religious dictatorship now in power exports oil, revolution and terrorism. 

   Iran made up with its rival, Russia, and together they help Assad make a nightmare out of Syria. Iran's leaders claim that Israel and the U.S. are agents of Satan. (Sounds like propaganda to encourage citizens' loyalty.) 

   Their intelligence service worked with al-Qaeda leaders to provide cover for 9/11 planners and hijackers. They supplied agents and roadside bombs that killed members of our military in Iraq. They didn't want western democracy on their border. 

   All the while, they worked on becoming a nuclear power, while denying same. They test long-range missiles. 

What to do about Iran?
   President Obama's administration gave Iran a sweetheart deal, provided they agree not to develop nukes for a few years. President Trump's administration saw that deal as a no-brainer. Sanctions on oil exports begin in November.

   What about Iranian citizens? As far as we know, they don't hate Israel or America. They have protested their government off and on - daily for the past year. If Obama had supported them when they took to the streets a few years ago, we/they might be rid of this wicked regime.

   Ordinary Iranians could be an ally again. More people of Iranian descent live in the U.S. than any other country. While we take in illegals from Central America, we're turning a cold shoulder to Iranians, including about 100 stuck in Vienna asking for asylum. (?)

 Source: Mindy Belz, WORLD magazine


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