Tuesday, October 30, 2018

If He is Right     

   Last week, we summarized the views of former National Security Council member Richard Higgins. He identified groups he says aim to control the U.S. Government. Yesterday, we imagined how the Higgins analysis might explain the Obama Administration.

   If he is right, if we doubt what the U.S. would look like, California here we come. This could be our future: sanctuary cities, defiance of federal laws, homeless people owning the streets, over-regulation, anything goes, and high taxes. 

   Many are leaving the Golden State for Utah. What happens when there is no more alternative? Washington already has us hooked on unsustainable Social Security and Medicare. Nice for seniors, but the statists are not done. 

   Portland, Oregon and Seattle are city examples of "progressive" policies. 

   Enemies attacked the World Trade Center in 1993 and finished the job on 9/11/01, while individuals did their part in Orlando, the Boston and other sites. Those are violent actions.

   Non-violent activities are more concerning for our future. According to Higgins, Black Lives Matter, Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center and the Islamic Society of North America conspire with our political left. Not to mention our media. 

   Certain bankers, businesses and establishment Republicans also cooperate, he said, apparently unconcerned with where this leads. 

   There is no debating Marxists. They adopted theories developed in Europe in the early 20th century and nourished in American universities. They who accuse us of intolerance are themselves intolerant. 

   Voting (we the people) is our privilege and our power. Not just next week but for decades to come. Opponents of the Bill of Rights and other foundations need only 51 percent of the vote, and they are close, if tight U.S. House races are any indication. Moderate Democrats simply are carried with the leftist tide.




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