Wednesday, May 8, 2024

They Think They Won 

     Did they?

     Your blogger debated whether or not to use time and space griping about the riots (oh...sorry) that is, the mostly peaceful demonstrations on college campuses. You have already seen all the wreckage and heard all the opinions you need.'s one more. 

     When billionaires (including the Rockefeller organization) can sponsor this behavior, and leftist professors can encourage it, and politicians at the highest level can hide from the cameras, you know our nation is on a slippery slope. 

     Demonstrators, some coached by former Black Panthers, were/are backing the very terrorists who wish to wipe Israel off the map. Identical tents. Identical chants. "Shame" they holler. Well, shame on school authorities who treat these as legitimate protests. 

     We'll know the night of November 5 if they really won. The election is what this is all about.  




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