Thursday, May 23, 2024

Mocking Protesters    

     We would rather write about mockingbirds than mocking protesters. But, our habit of covering human stories leads to human stories covered out of habit. 😏

     Today, political narrative favored over spiritual and historical realities.

Article in WORLD magazine

     Harassment of Jews has a long history dating back to the Amalekites, nomads who gave Israelites trouble at the beginning of the exodus and beyond. Today, trouble comes in the form of social justice and victimhood, elevated above reason and nature. 

     Instigators thrive in colleges, as German teachers in the 1930s who taught a false history, focused on "what makes us human." Today, students lacking spiritual literacy are molded by liberal ideas, rainbow flags and even the violent side of Islam.

     Hamas wins over college students with social justice language, calling for resistance against Israel "by any means necessary." Protesters near Columbia University chanted "Burn Tel Aviv to the ground." Anybody in favor of returning to their studies? Anyone? 

     Even Christian students are on edge, with friends both Jewish and pro-Palestinian. Is there a chance for the gospel in this environment?

What About Children? 

     Meanwhile in America, children don't need much - mostly to be taken seriously as children, not little adults or units in the system. To have a mom and dad who care about them, however imperfectly. That's God's plan, and if that's all you can do, it will likely be enough.  

    - Janie B. Cheaney


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