Thursday, May 30, 2024

So Long, Eagle 

     It's been nice to know you. 

     It looks like the American bird has been replaced by a kangaroo.

     In a precinct that is 85 percent Democrat, a procedure rigged for political purpose, the jury convicted Donald Trump on all 34 charges. We might have some respect had they convicted him on a few points. Not. 

     They went all the way. Liberals are celebrating. We don't fault the jury so much as those who birthed and controlled the proceeding. 

     From now until November 5, Trump will be called "convicted felon." He might win his appeal, but his political enemies achieved goal no. 1. Now, to the election itself. 

     Whatever your reaction, this case - a cousin of practices in other countries - may signal the end of our republic. If Democrats can do this once, they can do it again. And Republicans can respond in kind, though we hope not. 

     Remember this date: May 30, 2024. It may not be a "date that shall live in infamy," but it is proof that liberals intend to destroy our republic, if that hasn't already been clear.




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