Monday, May 27, 2024

Who Knows Better 

Than All?

Faith-based Philosophy

     What people think. It dates at least to Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 B.C.). More recently, Darwin gave philosophy a scientific cover. Twentieth Century discoveries proved him wrong, as he would admit had he lived long we read.

     Evolutionists still thrive. They can believe in their own progress. Progressives dominate U.S. education, government and media. One thing they cannot do: live forever.

Faith-based Creationists

     And God said...and there was... Then God said...and it was so. And God saw that it was good. 

     Creation is now the most-proven fact of we read. Some 500 witnesses testified of seeing the risen Christ. Having spent his time on earth in one place or another, as humans do, He ascended. Then He sent the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, to live in all those who believe, trust and obey...the world over. 

     The Spirit - without a name - lives within millions of people, representing the Father and the Son, and transmitting our prayers to heaven.

     Those who experience the Spirit, often or not, believe we will live forever, but not on earth. Faith is important, and we think we choose God. But it is God's grace that saves. He who died for us and rose again decides who will spend eternity with him. 

Philosophers Hate Creationists

     Some unbelievers reject people of faith, and sometimes martyrdom happens. Those who defend the truth give their lives rather than deny their Savior. This war continues, as Lucifer, once the highest of angels, knows the truth better than any of us. 



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