Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Many Against One 

     Did they win?

     His disciples were to learn though his prayer. As he finished:

     Righteous Father, though the world does not know you...I have made you known to them...that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.

     Notice the emphasis on love, not power or other human desires. Then Jesus and his disciples - all but one - crossed the valley and went into an olive grove. 

      So it was that night. The betrayer, Roman soldiers (who normally would be hated) and officials from the chief priests and Pharisees would find him. They were after one man, and their verdict was fixed in their minds. They came with torches, lanterns and weapons to arrest...or worse? 

     If you are looking for me, then let these men (his disciples) go. 

     They bound him and took him ultimately to the Roman governor who had power to order a horrible beating followed by an execution that would be even worse.

     Did they win?

     Yes and no. Yes! Those who wanted him dead refused to believe reports of his resurrection. They considered themselves justified. No! Romans ended their reign in A.D. 70.

     Jesus had no further contact with them, but focused on the gospel that his disciples and other believers would take to Jews and gentiles scattered over the world. The refusal to believe continues today. 

     On the cross, Jesus forgave them. That's love. God determined before creation that the Christ would bear the punishment we all deserve. He made a way for those who trust and obey to receive salvation, as did Abraham and many others. 



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