Saturday, May 18, 2024

 Scientific Globalism

Return to Babel, Part 3 of 4

    At the end of WWII, scientists were terrified by the new weapon: atomic bomb. Many thought "the only way out of atomic warfare" was a "superior world government."  

     The United Nations was being developed at Harvard University. President Truman, a Christian, told UN delegates in June 1946: it was God who had brought us "so far in our search for peace through world organization." 

If not for Josef Stalin

     Scientists believed they should run the UN...the world government. American elites could not sway American individualists to buy in. Meanwhile, Stalin's allies had slaughtered 20,000 in Bulgaria, built a dictatorship in Hungary, and arrested politicians in Poland, all in defiance of UN goals. 

     In 1949 the Soviet Union exploded its own atomic bomb. So ended any discussion of international control of weapons. 

     Economists at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, designed a form of international economic globalism, the U.S. dollar being the measuring stick. This required the creation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The dollar must retain its strength, but with demands for U.S. foreign aid and commitments, the dollar began to lose its value. 

    Foreign wars (foreign aid) and President Johnson's Great Society programs rapidly increased inflation. 

Tomorrow: Modern Times

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