Thursday, May 16, 2024

From Babel to the World Economic Forum 

Part 1 of 4 

     Before we slide into our series on world government, we go way back to Genesis 11 and the story of Babel (Shinar/Babylon). Is there a connection? 

     A few generations after the flood, Noah's great grandson, Nimrod, ("a mighty warrior and hunter") founded Babylon. They began to build a "tower that reaches the heavens." They intended to "make a name for ourselves." No one knows how far they got. Probably not far. 

     And they were determined "not to be scattered." 

     Historians suspect - pride and arrogance. In Jewish literature, Nimrod was angry with God, who destroyed all civilization except for Noah and his family. The tower Nimrod's people began to build "to the heavens" may have been an attempt to reach God...and not to worship.  

     Well, they didn't need a tower to reach God, who confused their language and scattered people over the earth, as he had planned. 

     Do Babel's sins resonate today? We're not calling skyscrapers in America, Shanghai, Taipei, Malaysia, Dubar, Beijing and Singapore sinful. But tall, awesome towers were not built to honor God.

Tomorrow: Globalism 

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