Monday, May 6, 2024

Christian Nationalism? - Part 2

     Article 6 of the Constitution: No religious test may be required for public office. The First Amendment prohibits Congress from establishing any religion and from making laws to bar religious free exercise. As for God blessing America only if America is Christian, Gregg Frazier asks how one explains Sparta. Sparta lasted 800 years and was maybe the most ungodly regime in history.

     It is true that American settlers fled a political system with a desire to create a better one. Many of us recall a time of two-parent families, prayer in public schools...and abortion and transgenderism were not common. The 1950s, minus racism, were welcome, though no era is fault free.  

     Christians who oppose Christian nationalism don't want government doing the Church's work or adding the Ten Commandments or the Apostles Creed to the Constitution.

     Jesus himself said, My kingdom is not of this world. 

     A reformer warns that amid America's cultural moral slide, something will emerge to fill the the day, in terms of our laws, customs, traditions in the public square. 

     A professor, Anglican priest, says, "Progressives have no qualms equating Christian nationalism with white supremacy and alienates people from aligning with conservatives. They want to frighten people into thinking, "all Christians have extremist beliefs." 

     He warns against combining church and state. "We need to keep the main thing, the main thing. Focus on the gospel." 


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