Thursday, May 2, 2024

Rottenest Nation? 

     Let's pick up where yesterday's Islamic activist in Michigan left off...claiming the USA is "one of the rottenest" nations. Aside from the fact "rottenest" is not in the dictionary... 

     We have our problems. We wonder if he would say the same about Islamic Afghanistan, where public flogging and stoning is punishment for adultery. 

     Taliban-appointed judges have ordered 417 floggings and executions, 57 of which targeted women. In February, there were public executions in two different stadiums, with citizens encouraged to attend. 

     Back home, there once were 100 applicants for every police opening. The way our "rottenest" nation is going, we may not have enough police to flog anyone. Since George Floyd's death, disrespect for police has led to an "exodus" of retirement and resignation. Three minutes can mean life or death. In New Orleans, average response time is over 2 hours.   

     Some small towns are relying on neighboring agencies. And some have loosened rules on tattoos, felony convictions, past drug abuses and poor credit history to attract potential officers. 

     If that isn't trouble enough, we're about to be cicadas. They live underground, one brood surfacing every 13 years, the other, every 17 years. Both are coming up to mate this year, making a racket of 90 decibels, as loud as a lawnmower or motorcycle. In some counties, there could be 1 million per acre. 

     In the mid 1980s, our home and car in Ohio were overrun with these insects. A "rottenest" problem. Then, along came a tornado, after which not a single cicada was to be found...or half the shingles on our roof. 


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