Sunday, May 19, 2024

Changing the Game   

     Sports "fans" spent almost $11 billion in 2023, and a big increase is expected this year. For what? 

     Tickets? No. Hot dogs and beer at concessions? No. Shirts and hats with the team logo? No. 

     The gambling industry has grown like weeds since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Sports Protection Act in 2018. Floodgates opened for both amateur and professional sports. Maybe the Court was being consistent by striking a federal law that should be state business. For what? 

     The gambling industry has grown like weeds since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Sports Protection Act in .as it did with Roe. 

     Well, 38 states have made sports gambling their business, and others may join them.

All bets are on    

     Let them bet? It's a free country. If only betters were honorable. Legal sports gambling is changing the culture of sports.

     Gamblers sent messages to an NBA coach, about knowing where he lives and about his children. Abuse and threats show that fans have more than an interest in who wins. The NCAA President wrote, " in three high-profile athletes receive abusive messages." An NCAA survey found 67 percent of college students bet on sports and 35 percent have placed bets with student bookies. 

     Players can become targets whether they play well or poorly. Ohio State's quarterback received death threats after a close loss to Michigan. Winning doesn't shield players, either. A Purdue basketball player made a three-point shot late in a 2023 tournament victory. One message said, "Kill yourself." His basket changed the spread. Oh oh. 

     There is pressure for players and even referees to cheat. The NFL has suspended 12 players so far. Millions watch sports...a relief from politics and other crummy news. The joy may be fading.



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