Saturday, May 18, 2024

Modern Times 

Return to Babel, conclusion 

     Massive peacetime budgets rendered the dollar no longer sound to be the world's reserve currency. Afghan and Iraq wars led to a noninterventionist spirit. Americans outraged over 9/11 became weary of being the world's policeman. Bretton Woods became null and void.

    The World Bank and IMF were caught between not lending to corrupt regimes, or lending while knowing the money would not go for intended purposes. 

     Globalists have used "climate change" to encourage - force? - national governments to comply. Nothing new about the agenda. It's an appeal for power "to save the world." Dire warnings. Flogging "science deniers" on Instagram. 

     Again, Americans are reluctant to fully embrace climate-control agreements. We all know the two biggest obstacles to any accord are the polluters, India and China. Xi isn't joining anything run by Western elites. Russia's Putin puts Russia's interest first. India's Modi said (probably with a smile), "Global governance has failed." 

     Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have more combined wealth than that of G7 countries. Should have been obvious. Nations don't share the same worldviews, cultures or goals. Global elites still gather, and posture. 

     This article's author: "It is God who made the nations and ordained government as a national, not global, enterprise. Globalism appears to be in decline. But history shows that the spirit of Babel is never far off."

     What did Jesus say, speaking of end times? You will hear of wars and rumors of wars... Matthew 24:6  

 Tomorrow: All bets are on


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