Monday, May 20, 2024

Police Hunt Women Iran  

     On April 1, Iran announced a new police agency to enforce rules against improper wearing of the hijab (head covering) in the Islamist nation. 

     All women must cover their heads in public or be flogged, fined or jailed up to 10 years. Human rights groups verified videos of women and girls being dragged into vans by chadorclad (cloth wrapped around the head and upper body; only the face is exposed) women. 

     Police arrested men who tried to interfere. Reportedly, women have been beaten, tasered and sexually assaulted. Authorities have closed businesses that did not enforce hijab rules. Women who travel without a hijab have had their cars confiscated. 

     This is the country President Biden restored to wealth and prominence (and harm to Israel) by his policy on oil. 

     This is the country whose president (since 2021), Ebrahim Raisi, 63, died in a helicopter crash a few days ago. Raisi in 1988 organized the death of some 10,000 dissidents (who had sided with Iraq during their war). 

     Raisi as president excelled at "violent suppression of women's rights," "terrorism" and "economic turmoil." The U.S., our democratic government, joined other nations in extending condolences to Iran for the demise of "the butcher of Tehran." Biden and others have some interest in Iran, and it isn't sympathy for its women.  

     Supreme leader Ali Kyhamenei, 85, he, not voters, has 50 days to clear (choose) candidates for president. Democrat heavyweights in the U.S. can choose their candidate in far less time. The November vote is just a formality.


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