Friday, May 17, 2024

Strategy for World Domination 

Return to Babel - Part 2 of 4

     We're a bit late here. Every January the World Economic Forum (titans of commerce, industry and's Nimrods?) meet in Switzerland to - shall we say - fix the world? Their words: "to shape global, regional and industry agendas."

     Napoleon Bonaparte raked over Europe (1800-14), after which egoistic kings met in Vienna (1814-15) to create a "new world order," as they saw it. Within the coming century, five signers of the peace treaty were at war, twice. 

Article by Larry Schweikart

     After World War I, the Versailles meetings (1919-20) were supposed to fix everything, with leadership by progressive U.S. President Woodrow Wilson. He was greeted in France by two million people, weeping and carrying flowers. His 14 globalist points included the League of Nations. 

     Wilson's own people were not enthused about foreign entanglements; nor were the communist Russians. The U.S. joined only as "a spectator." Meanwhile, no one wanted to fight the aggressive Japanese or the Italians. 

     But the League did have lasting effects. It's "moral force" cobbled together new nations and broke established ones apart. They supplanted practical, localized relationships, and chaos broke loose in every case. Of course, Soviet Russia had surfaced, with collective ambitions of their own. 

Tomorrow: Scientific Globalism




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