Friday, May 24, 2024

The Real First World War 

    Part 1 of 2

     The first world war involved Adam and Eve, Lucifer the fallen angel who started the war (of words), and his opponent, Almighty God, watching to see who Adam and Eve would believe, a snake or their Creator. (see answer in Genesis 3.) 

     Earth has been "enemy occupied territory" ever since. Following the flood judgment, Noah's descendants introduced the "isms" of falsehood: paganism, polytheism, atheism, pantheism, dualism, materialism and humanism - all outgrowths of evolutionism. 

     Even God's "chosen people" eventually fell for vanities. From Babylonia to Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece and Indo-European lands, men followed philosophies. The Roman culture and man-made religions inherited these humanistic falsehoods, and the idols that represent them. 

     Numerous Americans follow astrology, and some visit palm-readers and other mystics. Old forms of pantheistic evolution were revived in the New Age movement. Variance in people, whatever beliefs, doesn't invalidate our immutable God and his infallible Word. 

     James, half-brother of Jesus, wrote: Friendship with the world is hatred toward God. 

Tomorrow: The war drones on


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