Saturday, May 25, 2024

Christian Optimism Anyone?  

World War, Part 2

     World War I was not the first world war. Whatever number you wish to give it, war diminished Christian optimism. Darwinism (are you counting the isms?) seemed like a better bet than God, who had not stopped the slaughter in Europe. 

     World War II further armed the doubters, and Darwin's "superior" and "inferior" races led to Hitler's Holocaust. Hitler's escape - by cremation - was no defeat for old Lucifer. Fears of nuclear annihilation were soon upon us. 

     The years have turned on Darwin. Discoveries of "intelligent design" - complicated cells, extremely fine-tuned life and other evidence - destroyed any confidence in evolution. The absence of verified "missing links" in the so-called evolution of man and animals has disappointed the evolutionists.

     No scientist defends it, except those who suggest life evolved in another universe and somehow arrived on earth. For those who aren't believers: Godless livelihoods are still rewarded. And surrendering to God would require suppressing sexual freedom. Perhaps intellectuals don't read far enough to discover the word "judgment."

     The war goes on. Educators, government types, judges and others have not heard, or they sluff it off until a "convenient" time. (see Governor Felix, Acts chapter 24). With their worldviews they fight public issues tooth and nail. 

     Our enemy, Lucifer, known as Satan, is not going anywhere. Yet. 

Next: in Flanders fields

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