Bible Lesson for Trump and Biden
Not that they'll heed it.
Before the Israelites had kings, they battled the Philistines and were defeated (1 Samuel chapter 4). The elders wondered, why the Lord brought defeat? 4,000 killed.
Idea! Bring the Ark of the Covenant from Shiloh and take it into battle. Then the Lord will bring victory.
The army received the Ark, and great shouting seemed to shake the earth. Philistines heard and were afraid. "A god" must be with them, they assumed. But the priesthood was corrupt, and people were disobedient. When this battle was over, another 30,000 Israelites were lost, and Philistines took possession of the sacred Ark.
Israelites got their Ark back in seven months, when Philistines, who had their own priests and diviners, thought it safer for them.
What's this got to do with our 2024 election season?
I don't know. Maybe signs reading convict won't assure successful results? Maybe calling the procedure rigged won't either...although a guilty verdict was certainly the goal of the trial. And Biden's speech praising the justice and the jury was as phony as it gets.
Campaign money is pouring into the Trump cause, and the "war" is heating up. What neither side has is God, his spiritual presence, power, holiness and gifts. Nor are they supposed to. This is politics, government and money. Not worship.
However, I have no doubt that Satan invited himself to the show. We see November 5 either as a temporary extension of our founding principles, or the end of the experiment in democracy. President Biden speaks of democracy while his party is bent on destroying it.