Thursday, February 21, 2019

   Your Life & Mine  
Page 8

   While people are working, playing, eating, shopping, watching TV...the Lord will return - partly - for his own. 1 Thessalonians 16-18. The rapture. 

   After seven years of tribulation, He, the Lamb, will return with the armies of heaven to the Mount of Olives, from where he ascended, this time as a Lion. Revelation 19:11-21. 

   Jesus will rule on earth. Revelation 20:4. 

   You saints will return to rule with him. Revelation 5:10; Daniel 2:44-45; 
Psalm 2:6-9; 22:27-31; Isaiah 11. 

   After 1,000 years, the Lord will remove the heavens and earth, leaving no trace of sin, and make all things new.

   We exist for the glory of God. He alone is sovereign. For his good pleasure, we were created. 

God shows his superiority...

1. In creation - Psalm 19:1.
2. In Lordship - No one can rule for long, independently of God. Psalm 2:4.
3. In loving - Not sentimentally, but sacrificially. Romans 5:8.
4. In judgment - God is holy.
5. In relationship - Some yield to him, no matter what. Eventually, every
    knee will bow and every tongue confess. Philippians 2:10-11. 
   "We cannot understand how hideous sin is to God. We can only appreciate his love by first comprehending our own rebellion." - Dr. Leutzer.

Tomorrow: plowing ground

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