Friday, February 15, 2019

   Your Life & Mine   
Page 4

   In Hebrew scripture, time after time evil forces opposed God's people. Time after time the Lord responded with the most unlikely means. 

A young man with a slingshot. An exile.
A young slave. An old sheep herder.
A woman. The least man in the weakest tribe.
Men blowing trumpets to destroy a fortress.

   We want to know why God doesn't intervene as He did in ancient times. 
   He wants to know who will trust and obey, no matter what. 

   We want him to reward our goodness.
   He wants us to confess and kill our badness.

   We see our lifespan.
   He sees the beginning and the end.

   While Satan roars like a lion, the Lion of Judah uses conflict to demonstrate his many attributes - love, grace, mercy, kindness. The battle is his. 

   We want significance, and strive to achieve it.
   With our loving Christ, we have all the significance needed.

   He approves those who are alive in Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-7. 
   If the Lord approves, why crave the approval of mere men? 

   The Son of God destroyed the devil's work. 1 John 3:8. He gave the Spirit.
   There is no more use for slingshots, trumpets and religious rituals.

About that timeline, from creation to final judgment...

   The day of our birth is of no eternal significance. 
   The day we are newly born and begin our journey of trials, our faith will be worth more than gold. 1 Peter 1:6-7.

Monday: Why bad things happen

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