Tuesday, February 19, 2019

   Your Life & Mine   
Page 6

~ God Almighty works justice despite injustice. ~ 

   They captured him one night up on the mount, a mob with torches for light. He had no attorney, no defense team, no court-appointed defender.

   His associates scattered. 

   It would be a long night of hatred, lies, shame, humiliation, spitting, taunts and scourging...all by men who didn't realize what they were doing. This is not their story. It is the Lord's story, from creation to great white throne judgment.

   He did not protest. He did not plead innocence.

   He had in mind, your life & mine

   Roman justice would have set him free. But the governor washed his hands of his own verdict...violence against one to keep the peace of many. 

   When John Newton saw the light, he called himself "a wretch." We believers are inclined to accept the general term: sinner. Digging deeper, we might discover our specific, personal description. 

   There is our list of iniquities; and there are sins we might have committed, if given the chance. 

   Praise the Lord. He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay according to our iniquities. Psalm 103:10.

   Morning broke. The public was invited...a scene so disturbing that among his followers, only a few grieving women including his mother, and one disciple dared to watch. For three hours darkness fell over the spiritually dark land.

   The sacrificial Lamb was dying. Isaiah 53:6. 

   God...did this to demonstrate his justice...so as to be just and the one who justifies the man who has faith in Jesus. Romans 3:25-26. Isaiah 53:10-11. Galatians 6:14. 

   They laid him in a tomb, as prophecy foretold. But, the third day...

Tomorrow: siding with the enemy


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