Wednesday, February 6, 2019

To Save a Baby     
   It's getting pretty bad when a senator - a woman at that - calls an attempt to save a baby's life a "political stunt." 

   They're still talking about Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia who proposed removal of all restrictions on third trimester abortions in his state. U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse said that was "endorsing infanticide" and "betrayed the universal truth of human dignity and turned the stomachs of civilized people." 

   The Virginia bill failed in a subcommittee vote.

   Then, Monday night, Sen. Sasse introduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This would require the healthcare provider to "preserve the life and health of the child." It would include transporting the baby to a hospital immediately.

   This was a call for unanimous consent, which would have allowed the bill to pass the Senate if no one objected. Sen. Patty Murray went beyond objecting; she called it a "political stunt." 

   Do you see how some are trending toward Nazi and Japanese atrocities, 75 years after we thought we defeated those ideas? 

   Let's not sluff it off because there are few cases of abortion survival. A successful attack on the sanctity of life will only invite more of the same, just as a tax or regulation will be followed by more taxes and regulations.

   Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could hold a roll call vote on Sasse's bill if he chooses.

   We exhaust ourselves to save every tiny turtle born on the beach, and endangered species everywhere. Fine. But, when it comes to human babies, who can survive well before their term, eh, not so much.

   I'll never understand how they get away with calling a child "the woman's body," or how nature's pregnancy becomes "reproductive rights."


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