Sunday, February 24, 2019

   The Lord Will Fear the Lord?   
Sometimes we wonder, what does "fear of the Lord" mean?
There are some 65 verses in the Bible referring to fear of God.
Most but not all appear in ancient scriptures.

We know that God loves us, and we're to love him back.
So, what's this about fearing someone who loves us?

The few commentaries we looked up avoided
a definition, focusing instead on love, trust, etc.

If only we could find an example to follow, whatever the
definition of fear may be - respect? reverence?

Oh, wait, there is an example.

Isaiah wrote about the Branch from Jesse (David's father). 
Among other descriptions in scripture, Jesus is a Branch. 
Seven hundred years before his first coming, Isaiah previewed 
the Lord's second coming, when He will reign with
power and wisdom for a thousand years.

Jesus, the Lord himself, not limited as before,
will have the Spirit of the Lord - one of seven gifts - 

and He will delight in the fear of the Lord.
Isaiah 11:3

Whatever fear means, if the risen Christ has it,
maybe we should delight in it also.

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