Wednesday, February 13, 2019

   Your Life & Mine   
  Page 2  

   Only 10 months to Christmas season, another celebration of the birth of Christ. 
Not just any birth. An impossible birth! But, the Holy Spirit...

   The angel informed Mary, 

The Holy Spirit will come upon you, 
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. 
So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 
For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:35-37.

   God had created the world, summoned waters, parted waters...and spoke to selected prophets. Time for the "great light" Isaiah prophesied centuries ago. 
The Lord forms a body for himself
the miracle He had planned from the beginning. 

   Reset the calendar here. Freedom from Satan's slavery is coming. Hallelujah! 

   Months later, in an insignificant town, with angels inviting lowly shepherds to come see the child, Mary gives birth in a stable for livestock. Will this child of no human privilege become the shepherd of the people, the King of kings? 

   Not if Satan can help it. He enlists King Herod to order male babies killed in Bethlehem. But the angel of the Lord...

   When the boy grows up in another insignificant town, people will assume Mary's husband is the father. 

  All returns to normal for 30 years. But John the Baptist...

  Jesus of Nazareth, fully human and fully God, emerges from the crowd. Priority - Spirit, as He fasts 40 days while his heavenly Father prepares him for ministry. He alone in all history refuses to sin, using Scripture to overcome the deceiver's temptations.

   Then He begins to teach: Rejoice and be gladHe says to those who seek righteousness, mercy, purity, peace...and are persecuted - because great is your reward in heaven.  

Tomorrow: A man walks on water


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