Tuesday, February 26, 2019

   Your Life & Mine   
Page 11

   God provided a record of his thoughts and actions, written over 15 centuries. No one has any claim on this greatest story, other than eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

   Like Biblical characters, our short lives belong to his story, not the other way around.  

   Our faith, which God requires, is in what and who He has revealed. We are not equal to our spiritual enemy, but our God is greater. Psalm 144.

   During youth, we stumble somewhat blindly. Who desires heaven when there are so many things to do here? 

   And the Lord does have work for us to do on earth. Not to earn salvation, but to walk in the light, to love what He loves and hate what He hates. 

   Eventually, we realize we can't stay here, and we can't take it with us.

   God is holy. We're not. We fail, but his grace is greater.

   Your life & mine...we belong to him, or we belong to the condemned world.

"The Lord reminded me that if I died to myself
and allowed him to live in me, there would be
nothing in me to defend. When we die to ourselves, 
the only thing left to defend is what 
Christ did for us on the cross."

- a Gideon Auxiliary member




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