Sunday, February 17, 2019

Taking Faith to Darwin     

   Rev. Franklin Graham is on an Australian Tour of six cities. One of the cities where he preached Christ is none other than Darwin, Australia. How about that?

   Meanwhile, here and around the world, more and more doctoral scientists express doubt about Darwin's theory of evolution. 

   The Discovery Institute announced that more than 1,000 scientists have signed a "Scientific Dissent from Darwinism." Collectively, they state, 

"We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation 
and natural selection to account for the complexity of life."

   Included are professors and researchers at Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Berkeley, MIT and UCLA, and in countries such as Brazil, Czech Republic and Russia. A senior fellow at Discovery said this list under represents the actual number of skeptical doctoral scientists, because fear of professional repercussions keeps them silent.

   Secular scientists make it nearly impossible for skeptical researchers to publish their work in peer-reviewed journals. Then, they point to the absence of published work as proof that creation isn't scientifically credible.

Upside-Down Rejoicing   

   Tomorrow, Your Life & Mine resumes with a discussion of "bad things" that happen, despite the fact that Jesus already destroyed the devil's "work." 


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