Thursday, February 7, 2019

Are We a Mist?

   We want to be happy. Our Creator wants us to be happy.

   But, there is unhappiness along the way...

accidents, disease, natural disasters
bad people, mosquitoes, mental issues
and our chief enemy, the devil

   Even our own, regrettable decisions, mostly in our immature years, contribute to unhappiness, later if not sooner.

   For weeks we've been working on a series of blogs, sorting truth from fantasy - learning from the Bible and people qualified to help explain it. Now, we're ready (happy) to share our work with you.  

   Weekdays beginning Monday, look for Your Life & Mine on this blog site.

   Our lives are a curious blend of matters at hand, normally for many years, and biblical notes that in reality, our lives are a mist, a breath, or a fleeting shadow.

   What to make of it?

   Having run most of the course and found the Way, I am 100 percent convicted - the Bible is true and necessary. Paul was absolutely correct in writing, All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16. 

   God and his/our enemy the devil are real. Heaven and hell are real. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

   I am also sad to learn that most Americans give the Bible a thumbs up, but don't know what's in it. We are busy chasing human life, political liberty and the pursuit of happiness (or rights). 

   If you believe in evolution, this series is not for you.

   If you believe in Creation, we hope to enhance your joy with a few drawings from the well. 


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