Monday, February 25, 2019

   Your Life & Mine   
Page 10

   When you are admitted to the hospital, they want to know your "religious preference." Apparently, if you give up the ghost, they need to know which chaplain to call. 

   There are a number of religions and philosophies to choose from. Do we prefer Christianity?

   Really? Of the alternatives, do we prefer the Son of God...who paid the price, dying to redeem us, rising to save us? Passion!

It is conviction or nothing.

    No one else is the life, the true light of men. No one else makes the claims of Jesus Christ. No one else sends the Holy Spirit to help us in so many ways. No one else provides a written record from creation to the first century AD, including more than 400 verses connecting history with end times.

   No one else satisfies any of the 115 prophecies about the Messiah. Jesus satisfies every one.

   We are free to be lukewarm, and Jesus who gave it all is free to spit us out of his mouth. Revelation 3:16. Passion!

   In prosperity, contemporary culture emphasizes physical appearance: skin products, hairdos, body shaping, artificial teeth, mirrors, etc. Jesus came in our likeness, and allowed it to be destroyed for higher good. 

   Most of his closest followers also gave their lives. Christians around the world still suffer persecution, displacement and sometimes death. Passion! 

   God of the Bible cares deeply about the poor, the oppressed, the blind, the lame and the children. There isn't much to comfort the rich and famous, although God wants all to be saved.  



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