Friday, February 1, 2019

Out with the Old?    

   In my thirties, I was learning the basics of my faith in a "fundamental" New Testament church. 
       One morning in Sunday School another man mentioned that some members thought we didn't need the Old Testament. Without thinking, I responded, "It's the root of it." 

   I had much to learn, and still do, but I was right.

   A certain pastor/author contends that we can't hold young people, and win others, by including OT scriptures. He rejects teaching the Ten Commandments and stories of an "angry God." 

   His way is Jesus with a "happy face." "Love, that's it!" 

   Marvin Olasky takes on these arguments. 

   1. In the OT, God's anger is mixed with compassion. In the New Testament, God's fury results in millions slain (Rev. 9), much bloodshed (Rev. 14) and plagues worse than the afflictions in Pharaoh's Egypt (Rev. 16). 

   2. Jesus says in Luke 16, If they didn't listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. 

   In Matthew 5, He says, I have not come to abolish (the Law and Prophets) but to fulfill them.  

   3. The OT informs how deep is our sin problem. Abraham's almost-sacrifice of his son prepares us for the Father's sacrifice of his only Son. Ancient Israel had every advantage needed for belief and obedience. Still, the people rebelled, leading to the first coming, atonement and the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

   "Happy" Jesus didn't come unannounced. He is the beginning and the end of God's story, still in progress, and He holds the keys of death and Hades.



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