Monday, February 11, 2019

   Your Life & Mine   


   To My Fellow Animals:

   This line represents all the centuries from creation to the day when earth and sky will flee from the Lord's presence. 2 Peter 3:10; Rev. 20:11.


   Can you locate your life span here? Probably not, since our appearance in the flesh is only a fleeting shadow. Psalm 144:4. 1 Chron. 29:15.

   We are oriented to our surroundings. Each of us began in a place shaped by endless prior decisions and events, dating to the garden of Eden.

   Heaven knows, the circumstances of your life and mine developed long before our birth. 

   None of us chose the starting line in our race of life. And we don't know what will happen tomorrow. James 4:14. 

   So, who? Whose story is your life and mine? 

   There is a war above and among us. Creator God vs. rebellious angel. 
Light vs. dark. Good vs. evil. Spirit of truth vs. spirit of falsehood.

   Without our consent, we are caught in the battle. The fallen angel and his demons are predictable - deceive, divide and destroy. 

   God, however, works in mysterious ways. We wonder, what is He up to?

   In Eden, home to many animals, a talking serpent would not have seemed so crazy to the world's first two humans, special creatures though they were.

Tomorrow: Teachable moment


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