Saturday, February 2, 2019

Is It Really a Mystery?    

   During his long hospitalization, the late Dr. Charles Krauthammer and his son, Daniel, selected his favorite writings. Daniel organized them in The Point of It All, and provided the introduction.

   In one column, January 2014, a concerned Dr. Krauthammer wrote in The Washington Post: "The persistence of one of history's great mysteries." 

   On this point - and it matters - was he uninformed? Do you know what he didn't?

   In six years, the Nazi's killed six million Jews, and many others who didn't fit their superior-race narrative. The Holocaust was so atrocious, the world paused to reflect with shame.

   No more. 

   A massacre in Paris. At a Jewish school in Toulouse, France. Italian boycotts of Jewish merchants. A mob in Berlin; yes, Berlin! 

   There is anti-Jewish literature and films. Haters call for violence and genocide. Hamas wants to kill every Jew, not just in Israel. Hezbollah welcomes the gathering of Jews in Israel - the better to annihilate everyone in one day with one atom bomb, says Iran. 

   Jihadists, with their cult of death, cannot be deterred, wrote Krauthammer. There is hatred even in America, where Louis Farrakhan calls Jews, "termites." And Pittsburgh. Is it envy of people who flourish, or something else? 

   The Lord warned his people in Israel and Judah that He would abandon them if they persisted in disobedience and break their covenant with him. They did, and He did, turning his attention to Gentiles - the atonement and the Holy Spirit. 

   See Revelation. God will save a remnant of Jews. Upon Jesus' return to earth, survivors in Jerusalem will be the prized people of the world for a thousand years, while Satan is imprisoned. 

   Here's the problem: The devil knows this. He works 24/7 to rid the earth of Jews, religious and secular. There is no mystery.



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