Thursday, February 14, 2019

   Your Life & Mine   
  Page 3  

   Have you walked on water?

   Peter did it. Never mind his moment of doubt. The man walked on water.

   The Lord of power over gravity offers to give us power over the flesh and the devil: 

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.
 Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matt. 10:28

   The Lord who offers peace for the soul, comes with a sword to separate sheep and goats, even within families.

Whoever wants to find his life will lose it, 
and whoever loses his life for me will find it.
Matt. 16:25

   The Lord would have us walk on our flesh, as taught by St. Francis of Assissi:
 Sow love where there is hatred; pardon where injury; 
faith where doubt; hope where despair; 
light where darkness, and joy where sadness. 

Seek to console more than to be consoled; 
understand more than to be understood; 
love more than to be loved; give more than to receive, 
and pardon more than to be pardoned. 

   The enemy would have us walking in the flesh. One year ago, some, not all, of those who fear the Lord were being persecuted in 58 countries. Today, it is 73 countries. (Open Doors World Watch List.) North Korea and China are the most dangerous places for Christians. Most anywhere is a concern for Jews.  

   But Jesus...the life, the light of the world...

Tomorrow: It's not about us


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