Tuesday, February 12, 2019

   Your Life & Mine   
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   Our ancestor Adam was there. God gave him - and us - what no other animal enjoys...a spirit, a mind able to communicate with our Maker.

   Backed by the power of God, this first natural man had authority over all other creatures, including a particular serpent. But his infamous test didn't go well.

   Satan wasn't going to tolerate dominion by mere man without a fight. After a partial victory over Adam and Eve, he convinced Cain to kill his brother. More wickedness followed. But, Noah...

   Then Nimrod established himself as "god" of the people. Much later, Pharaoh's final solution was infanticide of male, Hebrew babies. But, Moses... 

   Through the years: Goliath, but David... Idolatry, but a remnant...
   Nebuchadnezzar, but Daniel... Enemies, but King Darius... 
   Broken Jerusalem, but Nehemiah... Haman's plot, but Esther and Mordecai...
   Satan himself, but Job... Reluctant Jonah, but a fish... 
     Satan incites David to take a census.

Satan in the New Testament:

     Incites Herod to murder male babies in Bethlehem.   
     Attempts to bribe Jesus. 
    Incites religious leaders to plot Jesus' death.  
          Incites Peter, Be it far from you, Lord.
          Jesus responds: Get behind me Satan.

    Satan enters Judas. But an empty tomb...

Tomorrow, the impossible


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