A poll suggests that you might not miss Congress as much as other choices. Approval: well below 20%.
Our world-famous Constitution, Article 1, begins with the make-up, checks and duties of Congress. Our founders laid guidelines for the House & Senate, elections compensation, raising revenue, defense and general welfare. Also - regulating commerce with foreign nations and among the states, power to declare war and other responsibilities.
After all that, the document addresses the executive branch and Supreme Court.
Now...when did Congress last pass a budget on time? When was their last declaration of war? Why did our elected reps cede their responsibility to states' attorney generals, who took the Trump Administration to court (the issues notwithstanding)?
For all their criticism of presidents, both sides often defer to the executive branch. Why risk voter disapproval when the president takes the heat if something goes wrong?
Finally, what interpretation of "promote the general welfare" gives any branch of government the right to heavily regulate the private and economic life of all Americans?