Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Whose Will Wins? 

     Among other meanings, to "will" includes desire, consent (or refusal), to express a command, exhortation, action, disposition, probability or inevitability.    

     Humans in every experience - family, education, commerce, military, politics, sports, healthcare, charity, homeless and more - have wills. One person might will you good health, while another wishes to rob you.

     Desire began with Eve, who didn't yet know that real serpents don't speak. She willed to taste the forbidden fruit. Her husband, no doubt in love with the woman God gave him, took his own bite.

     So begins the story of sin. Be careful what you will to have in life. 

     If Adam and Eve got expelled from the beautiful Garden of Eden for eating some fruit, imagine what penalty you and I deserve for things we will for ourselves.  

     Remember when his disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray? In his sample prayer to the Father, he said: "...your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..." 

     Oh. God's will should be done. And he's the Judge. 

     Does that mean everything we desire or approve must be cleared with God? 

Come back tomorrow, if you will



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