Thursday, November 9, 2023

Hello fellow pretend Americans  

    Seeing how abortion rights are more important than national security - as per Tuesday's elections - guess we'll just lay down and wait for the grim reaper. Progressives don't want octogenarians around anyhow (unless they are in the Government). We get it. Move over and let the kids have at it, in whatever sexual orientation they freely choose. 

                   Rules  and normalit y don't cut  it any   mor e

     We dug into the European immigrant's thing. Schumer himself is evil, with ancestry in Poland and Austria (also Russia). Hillary is of French origin, Biden - Ireland - and all other U.S. presidents were children of wicked white immigrants from such as Holland, England, Germany, Scotland, Switzerland and and ... well you get it. 

     Obama barely made the unjust cut, with a Hawaiian mother. Vice President Kamala Harris is the only face - giggle giggle - that is worthy of our support. Her father is Jamaican, and her mom, India/Indian. 

     So, fellow intruders, welcome immigrants from all corners of the world. It would cost too much and use too many gas-powered ships and planes to send us all back. Europe is overcrowded already with immigrants from Africa. So, Washington adds rather than subtracts. To balance the USA, let the cartels pay the way. Catch the rhyme?

     Let them hear the Statue of Joe Biden pronounce:

  "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.

          The wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send them, the homeless,

       your tempest tossed to me. I light my lamp beside the golden door."

                                  Sing it, privileged friends. Shout it! 



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