Saturday, November 18, 2023

Generosity, Authority, Honesty 

Luke chapter 11, by late Pastor Warren Wiersbe

Jesus' generosity. If Jesus and his disciples needed to pray, how much more do we? We must put God's concerns first; prayer is based on sonship, not friendship.

     God is a loving Father. He gives us what we need. He doesn't become irritated when we ask for help (James 1:5)

His authority. More dangerous than hostility is attempted neutrality, for an empty life is an opportunity for Satan. The only sign we need is our Lord's resurrection from the dead (Acts 2:22-36). 

     Jesus won the victory over the prince of darkness. Obey Satan, and soon you will not be able to distinguish between light and darkness. 

His honesty. As a guest in their home, Jesus did not flatter them, but spoke truth. He exposed their hypocrisy and condemned their sins.

     They defiled and burdened people, while posing as holy men of God. Instead of repenting and being forgiven, they opposed Jesus. 

Prayer is mighty, not for getting man's will done in heaven...

but for getting God's will done on earth.

Robert Law

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