Sunday, November 12, 2023

  "Fragile as reason is and limited as law is ... as the institutionalized medium of reason, that's all we have standing between us and the tyranny of mere will and the cruelty of unbridled, undisciplined feeling."

Felix Frankfurter

Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, 1939-1962

     So that's how religious elites were able to stir up opposition to the supreme Giver of life as he stood accused before Pontius Pilate? (He of "What is truth?" fame.)  

Reason is fragile. 

Law is limited. 

     That's why many thousands in many nations can be persuaded that Israel and law-abiding Jews everywhere should be eliminated. And that's why Marxist types easily bypass our constitution and other foundations of our "United States." 

     They substitute words like bicultural, multicultural, multilingual, victimology, xenophobia, diversity and white supremacy, to focus attention on anything other than...

     Our Declaration of Independence: Laws of Nature and Nature's God. Respect to the Opinions of Mankind. Truths to be self-evident. Unalienable Rights. Life. Liberty. Consent of the Governed. Safety. Happiness. Prudence. Security.

     Our Constitution: A more perfect union. Domestic tranquility. Blessings of liberty. Qualifications. 

     Although an FDR Democrat, Frankfurter was onto something. 

     Can unbridled, undisciplined feeling and mere will rule us in the not-too-distant future? Tyranny needs only for education to fail. 



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